Effects of E-Commerce Website’s Trusting Actions on Customer’s Continuous Intention

Ohbyung Kwon, Namyeon Lee


Trust has been identified as crucial to intention to continue to use e-commerce systems. Although trust is inherent in relationship-based practices, most studies on trust have focused on influences on customer trust. From the viewpoint of mutual trust, few empirical studies have examined the effect of users’ perceived trust from an e-commerce website on customer trust in that website, despite the obvious importance of this issue, particularly in the field of e-commerce. This paper empirically examines the role of customer perception of trust in the customer on the part of e-commerce websites. In addition, this study explores the ability of e-commerce websites’ trusting actions to transfer positive impressions that encourage trust in those sites. The results indicate that in the e-commerce context, a website’s trusting actions are important to customer perception of being trusted by and trusting in e-commerce websites.

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