A Study on Acceptance Factors of Financial Mydata Service from Information Security Perspectives

Seok Ho Lee, Hang Bae Chang


Consumers’ enhanced intention to adopt the Mydata service or their voluntary provision of personal information is a very essential element in the stable growth of the Mydata industry along with the creation of corporate values. The growing leakage of customer information according to the rising value of data can have negative impacts on the use of Mydata service and shrink quality custom service needs based on the personal information provided by financial consumers. This study set out to identify security risks that financial consumers could recognize and security factors that could supplement them and investigate the effects of these security factors on consumers’ intention to adopt the Mydata service, thus providing useful implications for increasing the acceptance of financial consumers and finding a strategy to expand safe utilization. The findings raise a need to guarantee the stability and transparency of information provided by customers as information subjects, and they should be essential requirements for the Mydata service. The security factors applied to guarantee them should include convenience in terms of financial service.

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