The Effect of Perceived Information Control on the Knowledge Sharing
The evolution of IT facilitated the communication and knowledge sharing between the social network service (SNS) users. When the more information about SNS users had been posted in SNS site, SNS users had sometimes exposed in the risk of privacy invasion. To remedy this problem, we had introduced the information control mechanisms from the prior studies in data management to the SNS area and empirically validated the effect of these mechanisms in this research. Three information control mechanisms had been elected as access control, reference control and diffusion control. We had conducted a survey to the Facebook users which is the most famous SNS site. 459 data had been gathered and analyzed by PLS algorism. As the results, reference control and diffusion control has significantly increased the trust on SNS providers and decrease the privacy concern. This change could significantly affect on the satisfaction with the SNS site and knowledge sharing intention of SNS users. This study could introduce the new perspective about privacy protection issues in SNS area. Also, the information control mechanisms suggested in this study could contributeto make more robust privacy protectionmechanisms in SNS site in practice.
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