A Study of Factors Influencing the Intention to Share the Information Security Knowledge on SNS(Social Network Services)

Taehwan Park, Suhwan Kim, Jaeyoung Jang


Due to recent growth in IT industry along with the expansion of smartphone, we came to connect to the Internet wherever and whenever we are. However, this causes negative side effects, though. One of them is a rapid increase of the financial crimes such as the Phishing and the SMishing. There have been many on-going researches about crimes such as Phishing and SMishing to protect users. However, the study about sharing knowledge on SNS to prevent such a crime can be hardly found.
Based on social identity theory, we conduct the research about factors on SNS users’ intention to share the information security knowledge on SNS. As a result, we found that knowledge provision self-efficacy has a significant impact on self-expression. In addition, it also found out self-expression, awareness about information security and the sense of belonging have a significant impact respectively on the intention to share the information security knowledge on SNS. On the other hand, the altruism didn’t have a significant impact to the intention to share information security knowledge on SNS.
With this research as a starting point, it seems necessary to expand its range to all types of online community in the future for the generalization of the hypotheses. 

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