Factors Affecting Continuous Intention to Use Mobile Wallet : Based on Value-based Adoption Model

Chungah Lee, Haejung Yun, Chunghun Lee, Choong C. Lee


Mobile wallet that can keep coupons and membership cards for mobile is one of rapidly growing services due to its usability and financial benefit. However, in spite of its rapid growth, the increase of users who do not use continuously it is an important consideration to service providers for making a profit. This study aims to test the effects of factors affecting the continuous use intention of mobile wallet based on VAM (Value-based Adoption Model) which can analyse them in both benefit and sacrifice aspects, so as to suggest considerations to increase the use period of mobile wallet for service providers. The research findings supported the hypotheses regarding to the effects of usefulness, value-expression, perceived security and enjoyment in the benefit aspect and technicality in the sacrifice aspect on perceived value. In addition, the causal path from perceived value to continuous use intention was significant. The study results are expected to be used in marketing or service improvement for short-term users by taking account of emotional factors as well as functional factors.

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