Academic Conference Categorization According to SubjectsUsing Topical Information Extraction from Conference Websites
Recently, the number of academic conference information on the Internet has rapidly increased, the automatic classification of academic conference information according to research subjects enables researchers to find the related academic conference efficiently. Information provided by most conference listing services is limited to title, date, location, and website URL. However, among these features, the only feature containing topical words is title, which causes information insufficiency problem. Therefore, we propose methods that aim to resolve information insufficiency problem by utilizing web contents. Specifically, the proposed methods the extract main contents from a HTML document collected by using a website URL. Based on the similarity between the title of a conference and its main contents, the topical keywords are selected to enforce the important keywords among the main contents. The experiment results conducted by using a real-world dataset showed that the use of additional information extracted from the conference websites is successful in improving the conference classification performances. We plan to further improve the accuracy of conference classification by considering the structure of websites.
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