The Effectiveness of Service Characteristics of Car Sharing on User Evaluation and Net Benefit

Bongjin Sohn, Jaewon Choi, Hyuk-Jun Kwon


Car Sharing Service is provided with sharing the vehicleas you can use it anywhere and anytime. The paper verified the factors impact between providing infrastructure characteristics such as scarcity, system quality and service quality and user evaluation factors based on DeLone & McLean IS Success Model. User evaluation factors have an influence on net benefit. D&M IS model mainly proved inner organization impact. The research collected experienced car sharing service, we analyzed the 224 respondents. The result of the hypothesis follows. The scarcity of time is negatively related to perceived social support and app trust. Provisional coupon is positively related to perceived social support and app trust.
But, scarcity of quantity is not related to user evaluation factors. Most of the system qualities are related to app trust, however, privacy concern isn’t related to app trust. the paper’s demographic characteristic is lack of experience frequency. User evaluation factors that are perceived social support and app trust are positively related to user satisfaction and WoM intention. User satisfaction is individual impact and WoM intention is organization impact. Two factors are the net benefit in car sharing service. The area of sharing economy should more study about correlation among experimental various factors. Thus, the paper has different significant from antecedent research. because of trying to experimental analysis.

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