How the Strength of Parent Brand Associations Influences the User Acceptance of Extended brand: Internet of Things Perspective

Hyun A Lim, Hyuk-Jun Kwon, Jaewon Choi


The purpose of the research is to identify the effects of brand evidence, brand personality and negative factors on extended brand trust and customer purchase intention in IoT (Internet of Things) service. Negative factors include scarcity marketing and privacy concern. To achieve this objective, we analyzed the 269 respondents who had used Xiaomi products at least more than once. The results of this study are as follows: First, it was found that core service, self-image congruence of brand evidence and brand personality has a positive influence on extended brand trust. But, perceived price of brand evidence is not related to extended brand trust. Secondly, Scarcity marketing influenced extended brand trust. But, Privacy concern is not related to extended brand trust. Consumers did not realize privacy because of technological innovation of IoT. Thus, the research has a different significance from antecedent research.

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