An Analysis on Affecting Factors of Healthcare Applications Continuous Usage Intention and their Relationships
Many studies have been conducted on adoption of healthcare applications. However, few studies have paid their attention to continuous usage intention of healthcare applications even though success of healthcare applications is determined by Continuous usage intention rather than adoption. Therefore, this study tried to identify the factors affecting the continuous usage intention of healthcare applications and examined the relationship between them empirically. In addition, the role of gender and age in the relationship was investigated. The results showed that self-efficacy and innovation had a significant effect on perceived ease of use of healthcare application, while self-efficacy, health information seeking, and enjoyment had a significant effect on perceived usefulness. Perceived ease of use and usefulness showed positive impact on continuous usage intention of healthcare application. Finally, age and gender had a moderator effect the relationship between perceived usefulness and continuous usage intention. This study is expected to make contributions to the existing research by identifying the factors affecting the Continuous usage intention of healthcare applications, but also to give a guideline for managers who want to provide healthcare application services.
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