Research on the Level Evaluation Model of the Organization Research Security

Onechul Na, Hangbae Chang


Recently, the importance of research and development for technological innovation is increasing. The rapid development of research and development has a number of positive effects, but at the same time there are also negative effects that accelerate crimes of information and technology leakage. In this study, a research security level measurement model was developed that can safely protect the R&D environment conducted at the organizational level in order to prepare for the increasingly serious R&D result leakage accident. First, by analyzing and synthesizing security policies related to domestic and overseas R&D, 10 research security level evaluation items (Research Security Promotion System, Research Facility and Equipment Security, Electronic Information Security, Major Research Information Security Management, Research Note Security Management, Patent/Intellectual Property Security Management, Technology Commercialization Security Management, Internal Researcher Security Management, Authorized Third Party Researcher Security Management, External Researcher Security Management) were derived through expert interviews. Next, the research security level evaluation model was designed so that the derived research security level evaluation items can be applied to the organization’s research and development environment from a multidimensional perspective. Finally, the validity of the model was verified, and the level of research security was evaluated by applying a pilot target to the organizations that actually conduct R&D. The research security level evaluation model developed in this study is expected to be useful for appropriately measuring the security level of organizations and projects that are actually conducting R&D. It is believed that it will be helpful in establishing a research security system and preparing security management measures. In addition, it is expected that stable and effective results of R&D investments can be achieved by safely carrying out R&D at the project level as well as improving the security of the organization performing R&D.

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