A Study on Market Segmentation Based on E-Commerce User Reviews Using Clustering Algorithm

Mingyeong Kim, Jaeseok Huh, Aejin Sa, Ahreum Jun, Hanbyeol Lee


Recently, as COVID-19 has made the e-commerce market expand widely, customers who have different consumption patterns appear in the market. Because companies can obtain opinions and information of customers from reviews, they increasingly face the requirements of managing customer reviews on online platform. In this study, we analyze customers and carry out market segmentation for classifying and defining type of customers in e-commerce. Specifically, K-means clustering was conducted on customer review data collected from Wemakeprice online shopping platform, which leads to the result that six clusters were derived. Finally, we define the characteristics of each cluster and propose a customer management plan. This paper is possible to be used as materials which identify types of customers and it can reduce the cost of customer management and make a profit for online platforms.

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