A Study on the Fraud Detection for Electronic Prepayment using Machine Learning

Byung-Ho Choi, Nam-Wook Cho


Due to the recent development in electronic financial services, transactions of electronic prepayment are rapidly growing, leading to growing fraud attempts. This paper proposes a methodology that can effectively detect fraud transactions in electronic prepayment by machine learning algorithms, including support vector machines, decision trees, and artificial neural networks. Actual transaction data of electronic prepayment services were collected and preprocessed to extract the most relevant variables from raw data. Two different approaches were explored in the paper. One is a transaction-based approach, and the other is a user ID-based approach. For the transaction-based approach, the first model is primarily based on raw data features, while the second model uses extra features in addition to the first model. The user ID-based approach also used feature engineering to extract and transform the most relevant features. Overall, the user ID-based approach showed a better performance than the transaction-based approach, where the artificial neural networks showed the best performance. The proposed method could be used to reduce the damage caused by financial accidents by detecting and blocking fraud attempts. 


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