The Effects of Metaverse Related Self-determination on Intention to Continuous Use Through Intrinsic Motivation: Moderating Effect of Member Trust

Inho Hwang


COVID-19 is forcing people to minimize face-to-face networking activities between members of society, and they are increasing their use of online platforms. In particular, interest in the metaverse, a virtual community with enhanced realism, is growing. Specifically, this study suggests a mechanism to improve the intention to continuous use of metaverse users by using the self-determination theory, and confirms that trust between metaverse members moderates the relationship between self-determination and intrinsic motivation. We obtained 353 samples through a questionnaire targeting those who have used metaverse and verified the hypothesis through structural equation modeling. As a result of the analysis, individual self-determination of the metaverse formed intrinsic motivation such as identification and enjoyment, which affected the intention to continue use, and the trust of metaverse members partially moderated the relationship between self-determination and motivation. The result contributes to the sustainability of the metaverse platform by suggesting an approach to users and the environment to improve the intention of continuous use of metaverse.

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