Effect of Characterisitcs of Service Quality on Continuance Usage Intention of Digital Healthcare Service Using Mediating Factors of User Expectation and User Utility

Eun-Seon Jeon, Chul Soo Kim


This paper elucidates the effect of characteristics of service quality on continuance usage intention of digital healthcare service using mediating factors of user expectation and user utility. First, we classified independent factors into three types such as service system characteristics, user characteristics, and healthcare service characteristics from the previous studies, and investigated the effect of three independent factors on continuance usage intention of digital healthcare service. Second, we analyzed the impact of two mediating factors, user expectation and user utility, on the continuance usage intention.
We developed a research model that includes three types of independent factors, mediated factors of user expectation and user utility, and a dependent factor of continuance usage intention. We surveyed a total of 357 samples from digital healthcare service users and analyzed the research model. The research results significantly show that Characteristics of Users is essential factor impacting a dependent factor of Continuance Usage Intention. The results indicate the followings: (1) Characteristics of Users including the variables of Innovation impacts User Expectation, and User Expectation affects Users Utility, and Users Utility also affects Continuance Usage Intention. (2) Characteristics of Service Systems including the variables of Functionality, Compatibility, and Convenience and Characteristics of users of Innovation variable impact the mediating factor of User Expectation, and User Expectation also affects the factor of Continuance Usage Intention. (3) Characteristics of Healthcare Services including the variables of Reliability, Ease of Operation, Safety, and Accuracy impact User Utility, and User Utility also affects Continuance Usage Intention.

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