Detection System Model of Zombie PC using Live Forensics Techniques

Jun Suk Hong, Neo Park, Won Hyung Park


There was a large scale of DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service) attacks mostly targeted at Korean government web sites and cooperations’s on March 4, 2010(3.4 DDoS attack) after 7.7 DDoS on July 7, 2009. In these days, anyone can create zombie PCs to attack someone’s website with malware development toolkits and farther more improve their knowledge of hacking skills as well as toolkits because it has become easier to obtain these toolkits on line, For that trend, it has been difficult for computer security specialists to counteract DDoS attacks. In this paper, we will introduce an essential control list to prevent malware infection with live forensics techniques after analysis of monitoring network systems and PCs. Hopefully our suggestion of how to coordinate a security monitoring system in this paper will give a good guideline for cooperations who try to build their new systems or to secure their existing systems.

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