A Study on Elderly for Improvement of Usability on Smartphone

Young Suk Han, Jong Kyu Choi, Hwan Hwang Bo, Sang Min Go, Sol Hee Yoon, Yong Gu Ji


The introduction of iPhone was an opportunity to increase of internal smarphone users
in 2009 and it exceeded 15 millions at August, 2011. According to report about usage of
smartphone users, elderly people aged over 60 was quite low compared to other groups.
Moreover these elderly peoples feel lag behind cause of smartphone non-use. Thus, the
aim of this research is to improve usability of smartphone for elderly peoples. The
performance evaluation program and questionnaire were developed for this purpose and
objective data and subjective data were collected through these. 22 elderly peoples
participated in our research and we could derived proper level of target. The results of
this research will be applied to smartphone or application for elderly. The meaning of this
research is reveal the detailed touch target for elderly based on smartphone environment.

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