Factors Affecting Sustainable Web Technology Adoption : Pro-social Behavior Perspectives

Sunhee Kim, Ohbyung Kwon


Examination of the various impact factors on adoption sustainable IT can influence on the potential for creating sustainable businesses in today’s society. However, the societal factor out of environmental factors, which stimulates customer intention to use sustainable IT, has seldom been investigated. In this paper, we examine the adoption of sustainable web technology from the pro-social behavior perspective. The concept of sustainable IT is theoretically examined based on social exchange theory. An empirical investigation is conducted into customer intention to use new sustainable IT. The results indicate that customers care about the social responsibility and usefulness of the sustainable IT-based services they choose. In this study, the social features of web technology and their influences on adoption are verified empirically for the first time. In addition, pro-sociality is identified as necessary to a perception of the socially responsible features of information technology. Furthermore, pro-social adoption behavior in the beginning stages of sustainable IT use is elucidated. 

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