A Multi-dimensional Structure for User Resistance with the Determinants of Innovative Product Use on Virtual Reality

Hyun-jung Park, Kyung-shik Shin, Jaewon Choi


Motion-sensing interface enhances the sense of reality of user experience in virtual reality context. This study analyzes the innovation resistance and adoption structure for Leap Motion, which provides a motion-sensing function, primarily considering the theory of perceived risk. Previous research regarding innovation resistance and adoption mainly addressed the resultant aspects of perceived risk, or the impact of perceived value on the adoption intention. This study synthetically reviews previous studies from a multi-dimensional view considering both resistance- and adoption-perspective. To do so, we identified important antecedents that affect perceived risk and value, and we analyzed the compound dynamics of perceived risk and value towards innovation resistance. As a result, we found that the antecedents included in the existent acceptance models from adoption-perspective can help reduce the level of perceived risk, and that higher perceived value leads to lower innovation resistance. Additionally, trialability can rather foster the perceived risk.

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