The Determinants of User Resistance to Adopting e-Books : Based on Innovation Characteristics and User Attitude

Aeri Lee, Jaewon Choi, Kyung Kyu Kim


The e-Book market has rapidly grown as an innovative product which is mixed its traditional and technological characteristics. However, decreasing user resistance to the e-Book is very important to continually keeping up its market growth. Previous studies for user resistance have been studied as a negative barrier for various innovative products with importance of user resistance. Nevertheless, the factors for user' resistance to the e-Book field have not been found out considering both perceived value and switching cost. Especially, both innovative technology and user specifics should be considered when explaining user resistance to adopting e-Books. Thus, the purpose of this study is to understand the process for user resistance to the e-book and find out its antecedents with perceived value and switching cost at the same time. As a result, it appeared that triability, uncertainty and complexity affected perceived value and switching cost. The user-based antecedents like social norm and perceived value increased the effect of self-efficacy. Also, self-efficacy and perceived value decreased user resistance whereas switching cost increase user resistance to the e-Book perspective.

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