Analysis of Important Indicators of TCB Using GBM
In order to provide technical financial support to small and medium-sized venture companies based on technology, the government implemented the TCB evaluation, which is a kind of technology rating evaluation, from the Kibo and a qualified private TCB. In this paper, we briefly review the current state of TCB evaluation and available indicators related to technology evaluation accumulated in the Korea Credit Information Services (TDB), and then use indicators that have a significant effect on the technology rating score. Multiple regression techniques will be explored. And the relative importance and classification accuracy of the indicators were calculated by applying the key indicators as independent features applied to the generalized boosting model, which is a representative machine learning classifier, as the class influence and the fitness of each model. As a result of the analysis, it was analyzed that the relative importance between the two models was not significantly different. However, GBM model had more weight on the InnoBiz certification, R&D department, patent registration and venture confirmation indicators than regression model.
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