A Study on the Factors Affecting the Usage Intentions of 5G Mobile Communication Service

Man Soo Jeong, Dae Sik Hong, Yong Gu Ji


This study is to investigate the factors affecting the usage intentions of 5G service between 5G service subscribers and non-subscribers based on the Integratively Extended Technology Acceptance Model in the initial B2C 5G service market. We designed the integratively extended technology acceptance model to find the more specific factors to affect the usage intentions by integrating the exogenous factors including the technical factors, the social factors, and the personal factors with the ETAM(Extended Technology Acceptance Model). Referring to the previous studies, we constructed the hypotheses of structural influence relationship from the exogenous factors to the dependent usage intentions factors through the mediating belief factors. We designed the 5G service usage intentions model based on these hypotheses and operational definitions of the factors. Using the analysis of SEM(Structural Equation Model), the proposed model and the hypotheses were empirically tested by the data collected from 245 subscribed respondents and 245 non-subscribed respondents. As a result, the perceived ease of use has an effect on the perceived usefulness and enjoyment, and the perceived usefulness/enjoyment and the personal innovativeness have positive effects on the usage intentions of both groups.

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