Development of An Automatic Classification System for Game Reviews Based on Word Embedding and Vector Similarity
Because of the characteristics of game software, it is important to quickly identify and reflect users’ needs into game software after its launch. However, most sites such as the Google Play Store, where users can download games and post reviews, provide only very limited and ambiguous classification categories for game reviews. Therefore, in this paper, we develop an automatic classification system for game reviews that categorizes reviews into categories that are clearer and more useful for game providers. The developed system converts words in reviews into vectors using word2vec, which is a representative word embedding model, and classifies reviews into the most relevant categories by measuring the similarity between those vectors and each category. Especially, in order to choose the best similarity measure that directly affects the classification performance of the system, we have compared the performance of three representative similarity measures, the Euclidean similarity, cosine similarity, and the extended Jaccard similarity, in a real environment. Furthermore, to allow a review to be classified into multiple categories, we use a threshold-based multi-category classification method. Through experiments on real reviews collected from Google Play Store, we have confirmed that the system achieved up to 95% accuracy.
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