Formulating Strategies from Consumer Opinion Analysis on AI Kids Phone using Text Mining

Dohun Kim, Kyungjin Cha


In order to come up with satisfying product and improvement, firms use traditional marketing research methods to obtain consumers’ opinions and further try to reflect them. Recently, gathering data from consumer communication platforms like internet and SNS has become popular methods. Meanwhile, with the development of information technology, mobile companies are launching new digital products for children to protect them from harmful content and provide them with necessary functions and information. Among these digital products, Kids Phone, which is a wearable device with safe functions that enable parents to learn childern’s location. Kids phone is relatively cheaper and simpler than smartphone but it is noted that there are several problems such as some useless functions and frequent breakdowns. This study analyzes the reviews of Kids phones from domestic mobile companies, identifies the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of the products, proposes improvement methods strategies for devices and services through SNS consumer analysis. In order to do that customer review data from online shopping malls was gathered and was further analyzed through text mining methods such as TF/IDF, Sentiment Analysis, and network analysis. Customer review data was gathered through crawling Online shopping Mall and Naver Blog/Café. Data analysis and visualization was done using ‘R’, ‘Textom’, and ‘Python’. Such analysis allowed us to figure out main issues and recent trends regarding kids phones and to suggest possible service improvement strategies based on sentiment analysis.

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