A Literature Study on Digital Currency and Historical Developments of Money: Dynamic Pattern in Currency, Central Bank Digital Currency and Libra

Euiseok Kim


This study attempts to find out the characteristics of digital currency and currency transformation through the analytical descriptions of the literature. In the early days of the emergence of new currency, market-oriented autonomous monetary adjustment was made along with various attempts by the private sector, and then government-centered central currency management and coordination were made for the national monopoly of profits and power.
Digital currency can be seen as the emergence of a new form of money that will bring about paradigm changes. CBDC can be divided into direct and indirect types. CBDC is expected to require a strategic approach by the government or firm as it will bring about changes in the ecosystem of related industries. Libra is a stablecoin designed to minimize price fluctuations, and if it succeeds in commercializing it, it is expected to bring about revolutionary changes in the financial industry around the world.

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