A Development of Road Crack Detection System Using Deep Learning-based Segmentation and Object Detection

Jongwoo Ha, Kyongwon Park, Minsoo Kim


Many recent studies on deep learning-based road crack detection have shown significantly more improved performances than previous works using algorithm-based conventional approaches. However, many deep learning-based studies are still focused on classifying the types of cracks. The classification of crack types is highly anticipated in that it can improve the crack detection process, which is currently relying on manual intervention. However, it is essential to calculate the severity of the cracks as well as identifying the type of cracks in actual pavement maintenance planning, but studies related to road crack detection have not progressed enough to automated calculation of the severity of cracks. In order to calculate the severity of the crack, the type of crack and the area of the crack in the image must be identified together. This study deals with a method of using Mobilenet- SSD that is deep learning-based object detection techniques to effectively automate the simultaneous detection of crack types and crack areas. To improve the accuracy of object-detection for road cracks, several experiments were conducted to combine the U-Net for automatic segmentation of input image and object-detection model, and the results were summarized. As a result, image masking with U-Net is able to maximize object-detection performance with 0.9315 mAP value. While referring the results of this study, it is expected that the automation of the crack detection functionality on pave management system can be further enhanced.

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