A Survey on Long-Term Preservation of Composite Electronic Records with Heterogeneous Electronic Records
Since the introduction of e-Government in Korea, government departments and public sectors produced a diversity of electronic records. In addition, they generated new electronic records (we are called composite electronic records(CERs)) which are composed of disparate electronic records. Typical examples of CERs are the records of Social Network Services (SNS). Currently, most of the government departments in Korea uses the Facebook Page to announce their policy and to collect feedback from the people. In addition, many CERs are created and produced. However, the government of Korea has no preservation policies about CERs. It causes problems with losing or neglecting a lot of information. Therefore, we presented the type and the characteristics of CERs which are produced by government departments of Korea. Moreover, we analyze and represent the researches of CERs preservation. Finally, we proposed the mechanism to preserve of CERs in Korea.
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