Determinants of User Perceived Value and Its Influence on the Usage of Smartphone- based Mobile Commerce : Focusing on Service Ubiquity and User Control

Sujeong Choi


This study attempts to identify user perceived value as a major predictor of the usage of smartphone-based mobile commerce(m-commerce). More specifically, the study concep- tualizes user perceived value of smartphone-based m-commerce along three dimensions, such as temporal, functional, and economic values. Moreover, this study proposes service ubiquity and user control that are uniquely defining characteristics of smartphone-based m-commerce and examines how the two variables are associated with the creation of user perceived value. Using a total of 164 data collected on users of smartphone-based m- commerce, we conducted PLS analysis to test the proposed model and hypotheses. The key findings are as follows : First, it has been found that the usage of smartphone-based m-commerce is determined by the three values, such as temporal, functional, and economic values. Particularly, the results show that temporal value is the most influential variable in predicting m-commerce use. Second, the results demonstrate that service ubiquity has a significant positive effect on temporal value, whereas it has no effect on functional value. Finally, user control is positively associated with temporal and functional values. Overall, the results indicate that service ubiquity and user control considerably increase temporal value, thereby accelerating the use of smartphone-based m-commerce. Discussions and implications of the results are provided.

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