A Development Method of Web System Combining Service Oriented Architecture with Multi-Software Product Line

IlKwon Jung


As software systems become more complex and larger, software systems require a way to reuse software components or modules to provide new functionality. This paper designed a development method of web system combining SOA(Service Oriented Architecture) with MPSL(Multi-Software Product Line). According to provides SOA and MPSL, this paper suggested to service providers and service users to provide and reuse variable services. From the viewpoint of service provider, the suggested method identifies and implements reusable variable services as features by syntax-based, functional-based, and behavior-based methods applying feature identification guidelines and manages them as reuse assets. From the user's point of view, it is possible to develop a web system by constructing a service by workflow model as a method of structure and reconfigure services. As a result of measuring the reuse of the web system constructed in this paper by the function point, the cost reduction effect was verified by applying it to the similar project with the increase of reuse.

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