A Study on the Acceptance Factors of the Introduction of a Smart IoT Technology for Well-being Companion Animal

Sung Kwang Kang, Hoontae Kim, Yong Gu Ji, Jeongyoung Lee


The purpose of this study is to identify acceptance factors and influencing factors of respondents’ adoption of smart IoT technology to companion animal health based on the integrated technology acceptance model. Based on the previous studies, we constructed the hypotheses by defining the technical factors, social factors, control variables, and mediating variables (UTAUT), and set the hypotheses between the independent variables of each factor and the dependent intention. A research model was designed to verify the relationship between variables. We developed questionnaires on the items and verified them through data collected from 494 people. As a result, product design, quality of service, product performance, and quality service of technological factors had a significant effects on performance expectancy and effort expectancy. However, product safety, product function awareness, and product price did not significantly affect performance expectancy and effort expectancy. Social influence had significant effects on cognitive effect, welfare system, and welfare facilities. In conclusion, the comparative analysis of technical factors and social factors showed that social factors have more significant effects on welfare systems and facilities.

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