Table of Contents
Analyzing Effects on Firms' Market Value of Personal Information Security Breaches | |
JeongYeon Kim |
Effects of Inter-Organizational Partner's Relationship Characteristics and IOS Visibility on Supply Chain Performance | |
Moon-Sun Kim |
Information Mediating in Social Network Sites : A Simulation Study | |
Sangkyu Rho, Taekyung Kim, Jinsoo Park |
A Qualitative Research on ICT Policy Design for Small and Medium Business | |
Youngsik Bae, Hangbae Chang |
A Study on the Validity of the Infrastructure Construction Cost for the Commercialization of Online Electric Vehicles | |
Yong Uk Song, Sangun Park, Wooju Kim, June S. Hong, DongKyu Jeon, Sangheon Lee, Jonghan Park |
Practical Datasets for Similarity Measures and Their Threshold Values | |
Byoungju Yang, Junho Shim |
The Effect of Perceived Information Control on the Knowledge Sharing | |
Un-Kon Lee, Kyong Kyu Kim, Ho Hyeon Song |
An Analytical Study on the Influence of Resistance Factors in Adoption and diffusion of Innovation as for Introducing ERP Systems into Universities | |
Hyeon-Jeong Kim, Young-Hee Lee, Moon-Sun Kim |
An Empirical Study of Employee’s Deviant Behavior for Improving Efficiency of Information Security Governance | |
Hye Jung Kim, Joong Ho Ahn |
Study on the Use of the Constant Comparison Method : Lessons from Training Novice Modelers | |
Taekyung Kim, Jinsoo Park, Sangkyu Rho |
The Effect of Community Artifacts and Media Richness Elements on the Experiences of the Social Network Game Users : ‘Anypang’ Case | |
Un-Kon Lee, Kyong Kyu Lee, Jung Reul Lee |
ISSN: 2765-3846